Tiffany D.

I’ve known Courtney for many years but, unfortunately, live in the Los Angeles area.
A few years ago, I wanted to get back into yoga but worried that I would hurt myself as I have various knee and spine issues. When she first offered to teach me online via Zoom, I was skeptical that she’d be able to correct my form or keep me from doing something to harm myself. Well, much to her credit as a good teacher, I’ve never hurt myself and ALWAYS feel better after a session. And since it’s a one-on-one session, we can work on whatever I want, rather than doing a stock video on the internet. Some sessions my hips are tight so I want to work on that, or pay special attention to my knees, or just deep stretching; whatever it is, I have the option to modify the class to how I’m feeling in the moment.

The extra bonus of the online sessions is Courtney records them and then posts them on her Om Fairy site for me to practice whenever I want. It’s incredible how my body has its standard way of doing things and even though it’s a recorded video, her telling me to “turn my foot in” or “twist from your hips” is helpful; everything is tailored to my body.

If you’ve never taken a class from Courtney before, she has a deep understanding of the history and practice of yoga and is extremely knowledgeable about anatomy (seriously, she is like a muscle naming nerd), which I think is what helps makes her an amazing teacher. If you are looking to start practicing or looking for online sessions that will be tailored to you, I cannot recommend working with Om Fairy Yoga enough.

– Tiffany D.